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 Driver Information

The following are items you'll need to know or acquire prior to racing.


RaceCeivers are required to race at the Mitchell Raceway.  You will need to purchase one (or a compatible brand) from another source.  The cost will be around $100 for the unit with earbuds.  We do rent RaceCeivers to local drivers for $20 per night, but encourage you to buy your own.



Beginning in 2016, transponders are required in all cars racing at the mitchell raceway. GFRA has purchased a limited quantity of used transponders that are available to local GFRA members at a discount of $150. If a transponder is not directly available from the association, you must acquire one on your own. The MyLaps TranX X2 transponders are the current model that are supported. Note that these are cheaper than the retail cost of the older TranX260 transponders, but require a yearly subscription. These transponders can also be wired directly on to your car's battery and not have to be recharged with the direct power upgrade. See the MyLaps store for more details. 



If you are between the age of 14-17 during our race season you will need to have your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) complete Minor Waiver, as well as have it notarized.  This also applies to all kids in the pit area, even if they aren't a driver.



GFRA Memberships Fees are $30 until the day of our annual car show, after that date they are $50.  If you're a member of GFRA your Pit Fees are reduced.  Car & Driver entry for Non Members is $50 per night and Members are $30 per night.  A Pit Pass for Non Members is $20 per night and Members is $10.



Please complete a Driver's Information Form This form has general information such as how long you've been racing, who your sponsors are and anybody you'd like to thank.  We supply the announcer with this information.  It also gives GFRA permission to use any photos and or video of you for publication uses.



Your car will need to have a Tech Inspection completed prior to racing.  The Tech Inspector will look at your car to make sure you have all the required safety gear (including helmet, driver's suit etc) and that the car is in compliance with your class' rules.  Test & Tune is a good time to have this completed.  If you miss the Test & Tune, the Pit Gate Attendant can give you information to help expedite a tech inspection.



You will need to review the General Rules as well as your class rules on the Rules Pageto make sure you're compliant in all areas.    Please note:  Helmets with a Snell 2000 or newer rating are required and will be strictly enforced.

If you have questions, please feel free to email us at


Copyright 1969-2019 GFRA/Mitchell Raceway

All Rights Reserved

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